She / Her

Ariele Keller

Virtual Trainer

My name is Ariele Keller, and I am a NASM Certified Personal Trainer, Fitness Nutrition Specialist Restorative Wellness Coach. I grew up in Columbus, Ohio and moved to Atlanta with my husband, Justin at the end of 2019. I have a passion for people, genuine connection and conversation, and helping people rebuild negative relationships with food and exercise.

My own journey with disordered eating led me to search for my own answers, and I’m now on a mission to combat the constructs of restrictive diet-culture with fearless flavor, joyful movement and genuine self-acceptance.

I specialize in complex movement patterns, keeping movements creative and exciting, working your brain along with your body, and having a great time!

More About Ariele

Ariele's Fitness Journey

My fitness journey began 8 years ago with restriction, shame and self-punishment at the forefront. Joining a gym with a goal of rapid weight loss to meet military recruitment BMI standards, I dreaded the hours spent on boring cardio equipment and felt completely clueless with free weights. 

An adolescence of unmanaged food sensitivities, yo-yo dieting and disordered eating behaviors had not only wreaked havoc on my mind, gut and hormones, but also tarnished my relationship with food and led me to a place of frustrations and desperation. Seeing no “progress”, I was convinced there had to be something I was missing. 

I kicked off my search for answers just a few months later, enrolling in school to become a Personal Trainer. In the years following, I continued my education in behavioral change, nutrition, gut restoration and hormonal balance. I began to embrace fearless flavor, joyful movement and genuine self-acceptance for the first time.

I have since made it my mission to combat the diet-driven, restrictive, weight-loss culture that society so eagerly feeds us, help others achieve a restorative, well-balanced lifestyle and body confidence exactly where and as they are.  

What Body Positive Means to Ariele

Body Positivity means unconditional acceptance of the whole self, without imposing criticism or pre-determined assumptions.

Favorite Song

Forward Motion - Daya