Dec 12, 2020

Top Ten Ways To Move Your Body in Quarantine!!

Here at Clarity, we have worked hard to put together a list for the top ten ways to move your body in quarantine. Seeing the news, it can be hard to reconcile with the fact that this social distancing/quarantine will likely be the reality for a bit longer. It can be hard hearing that news to keep moving, but we are here to remind you that moving is still important!! Here are our top ten ways to move your body in quarantine:

  1. Whatever ways make you feel good
  2. Whatever ways make you feel good
  3. Whatever ways make you feel good
  4. Whatever ways make you feel good
  5. Whatever ways make you feel good
  6. Whatever ways make you feel good
  7. Whatever ways make you feel good
  8. Whatever ways make you feel good
  9. Whatever ways make you feel good
  10. Whatever ways make you feel good

Indeed, this blog post has a catchy tagline: TOP TEN WAYS TO MOVE, but Clarity is here to remind you that no one can prescribe the correct movements for your body on any given day, outside of you, the one living in it. Some days are going to feel like moving from the couch to the bed and back is enough: and guess what! That can be enough!! Some days are 10 mile runs, 15 miles bike rides, hikes, weight lifting, dancing, yoga, circuit training, walking the get the gist. Ultimately, you are the best judge of your “top ten”, not some magazine article that may tempt you into exercising for punishment, rather than pleasure and happiness. Learning what feels good to you has never been more important: everyone is trying to figure out how to continue to cope and move in these weird times, and listening to your body continues to be the best way to make those decisions. Something might feel great one day, and not as great the next, and that’s okay too!!

Also, we are here to remind you that we are in extended quarantine: bodies are going to change during this time, and that’s a-okay as well. This is a period of high stress, reduced movement for many, and new schedules and patterns. Bodies naturally change with the times, and anyone telling you that bodies have to look or act a certain way in quarantine are not the voices to be listening to right now!! We at Clarity are here through this strange time, with all kinds of virtual and in person options for movement that might be exactly what your body needs, but you’re in the drivers’ seat to decide what’s right. So make sure to check out all of our amazing personal trainers, virtual classes, in person COVID hours, and seminars that allow for growth of your mind with your body. YOU ARE ENOUGH!

Go Check out the video: